Corporate Governance

General information about risk management in AccessBank

Risk management is an integral part of the Bank's activities. The Bank ensures the creation of a risk management system adequate to the risk profile within the framework of the strategic vision.

Risk management is also carried out with the following objectives:
  • Detect, measure and determine the level of perceived risk;
  • Risk/reward ratio optimization in all areas of banking;
  • Maintaining risks at a level that does not threaten the financial stability of the Bank, as well as the interests of its creditors and depositors;
  • Monitoring compliance with legal acts, constituent and internal documents of the Bank by all employees of the Bank;
  • Minimizing risks in the event of unfavorable circumstances for the Bank.

The complete risk assessment process is comprehensively reflected in the bank's risk map.

When evaluating borrowers for business loans, the financial performance of the borrowers, credit history, collateral, the purpose of the loan, the borrower's business experience, market factors affecting the borrower, and external factors are taken into account. Evaluation of borrowers for consumer loans is based on internal banking rules and a scoring system.

Risk management system in a bank

I line of defense.This block includes structural divisions that serve the bank's clients, develop products and services, as well as branches and departments of the bank. The main task of the first line of defense is risk management, covering all stages from risk identification to optimization, including resource allocation and prioritization decisions.

II line of defense.This block includes structural units that perform the functions of risk management, legal and compliance management in the bank. The main task of the second line of defense is to define the framework, principles, limits of risk management, conduct risk assessment, monitor and report on the results.

III line of defense.This block consists of an independent internal audit unit and external auditors empowered to evaluate the first and second lines of defense. The Internal Audit Department conducts a risk-based and general audit of the effectiveness and improvement of procedures and mechanisms, as well as their proper implementation.

Bank risk management policy

AccessBank's risk management policy is designed to identify, analyze and prevent risks arising during the activities of the bank.

The current policy of the Bank has been developed on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including “Corporate Governance Standards in Banks” and other normative-legal acts of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the proposals of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, as well as the Charter of the Bank and internal rules.

Priority areas and control measures to reduce risks in the bank are:
  • Risk propensity is determined in accordance with the bank's risk mitigation policy;
  • In order to reduce banking risks, certain limits are set, which are mainly implemented in relation to credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The purpose of the limits is to prevent risks in advance and ensure the efficiency of the bank's activities. Risk control is carried out within the limits of risks established by the Supervisory Board of the Bank;
  • Risk management in the bank is controlled in accordance with the internal rules of each department and the decisions of the Risk Management Committee. Daily risk control is carried out by internal departments of the Bank. Internal departments are supported by the Bank's Risk Management Department;
  • With all of the above, audits in this area during the year are carried out by the Internal Audit Department;
  • The Risk Management Department reviews loan offers from branches to the head office, and also conducts their control checks; regular monitoring of loans issued by branches is carried out, and if necessary, credit committees on delinquencies are held in the branches and a report on the results of work is prepared;
  • Through the early warning system, management is informed about the risks that have arisen as a result of approaching the established limits;
  • If during the monitoring a violation of the established limit levels is detected, the necessary measures are taken by the Bank, so the risks in this area are under control;
  • Analysis is carried out for each risk and the results are presented to the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of the Bank;
  • Reserves for assets and liabilities are created in accordance with the norms established by the Central Bank.

Information about the shares issued by the bank (type, state registration number, par value, shareholder rights)

Type and form of securities: common, registered, book-entry share
Registration number of the securities issue/International identification code: AZ1006004282
Nominal value of securities: 2 manats

Rights of the Bank's Shareholders:
  • Participate in the management of the Bank in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Charter of the Bank;
  • Elect and be elected to the Board of Directors and executive bodies of the bank;
  • Receive information about the activities of the Bank in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, get acquainted with its annual report and balance sheet once a year;
  • Request the convening of the General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • Request changes to the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • Participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders with the right to vote (except as provided in Articles 49-1.2 and 49-1.3 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and demand a copy of the minutes of its meeting.
  • Require an audit of the bank's activities by an auditor;
  • Receive dividends from the net profit of the bank;
  • To receive a certain part of the remaining property of the bank after the termination of the bank's activities, after satisfaction of the claims of its creditors, after the payment of accrued but unpaid dividends, as well as the liquidation value of preferred shares;
  • Enjoy other rights provided by the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Charter of the Bank.
Files: Updated: 04.12.2024