Asian Development Bank (19.90%)
As Azerbaijan’s largest multilateral development partner, ADB has mobilized over $5 billion in financing support for the country since 1999.
ADB's partnership strategy for Azerbaijan aims to help boost private sector development, raise public sector efficiency, improve infrastructure, and strengthen human capital.
For more information, please visit
European Investment Bank (17.39%)
The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union. It is the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance.
It helps the economy, create jobs, promote equality and improve lives for EU citizens and for people in developing countries. The European Investment Bank is active in around 160 countries.
For more information, please visit
International Finance Corporation (16.56%)
IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. For more information, visit
Azerbaijan became a member of IFC in 1995. As of December 31, 2016, IFC has invested $473 million, of which $73 million was mobilized from other lenders, financing 56 long-term projects across a range of sectors, including financial services, infrastructure, and manufacturing sectors. In addition, IFC has supported around $80 million in trade through its trade finance program and provided $250 million for Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. IFC has also implemented a range of advisory projects aimed at encouraging private sector growth.
IFC’s focus in Azerbaijan is on supporting the economic competitiveness agenda of the World Bank Group's Country Partnership Framework 2015-2020 for Azerbaijan, strengthening initiatives to increase access to finance for businesses and improve the business environment. IFC will also seek investment and advisory opportunities to support the real sector, including critical infrastructure projects and export-oriented sectors.
For more information, please visit
responsAbility-managed investment funds
- ResponsAbility MultiConcept Fund Management S.A ('responsAbility A') - 7.11%
- ResponsAbility SICAV (Lux) ('responsAbility B') - 2.01%
- ResponsAbility SICAV (Lux) ('responsAbility C') - 3.07%
- ResponsAbility SICAV (Lux) ('responsAbility D') - 0.091%
responsAbility is a leading impact investor focusing on developing countries. responsAbility manages USD 3 bn of assets in a variety of investment vehicles that provide private debt and private equity to some 500 companies with inclusive business models across 90 countries. Founded in 2003, the company is headquartered in Zurich and has local offices in Bangkok, Geneva, Hong Kong, Lima, Luxembourg, Mumbai, Nairobi, Oslo and Paris.
For more information, please visit
FMO (9.41%)
FMO supports sustainable private sector growth in developing countries and emerging markets by investing in ambitious projects and entrepreneurs. FMO’s role extends beyond financing, as we challenge businesses to meet high international standards regarding the welfare of people, corporate governance and the environment. By investing in their businesses in this manner, FMO enables them to operate and grow sustainably for the long term, creating jobs and generating taxes that strengthen local communities and economies.
For more information, please visit
OeEB – Development Bank of Austria (9.17%)
Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB) has been operating as the Development Bank of Austria since March 2008. It specialises in the provision of long-term finance for private sector projects in developing countries which create sustainable development. Additionally, OeEB provides technical assistance, which can be used to enhance the developmental impact of projects.
For more information, please visit
SIFEM AG (8.89%)
The Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets is the development finance institution of the Swiss Confederation. SIFEM promotes long-term, sustainable and broad-based economic growth in developing and emerging countries by providing financial support to commercially viable small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) as well as fast-growing enterprises which in turn helps to create secure and permanent jobs and reduce poverty.
For more information, please visit
EFSE (2.78%)
The European Fund for Southeast Europe aims to foster economic development and prosperity in Southeast Europe and the European Eastern Neighbourhood region by investing in the success of micro and small enterprises as well as improved living conditions for private households. As access to financial services is key to developing this segment, EFSE focuses on helping local financial sectors strengthen their ability to provide responsible financing for this target group.
For more information, please visit
Green for Growth Fund (GGF) - (1.77%)
The mission of the Green for Growth Fund is to contribute to enhancing energy and resource efficiency and fostering renewable energies in Southeast Europe, the European Neighbourhood Region, and the Middle East and North Africa predominantly through the provision of dedicated financing to businesses and households via partnerships with financial institutions as well as through direct financing.
For more information, please visit
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (0.58%)
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) is an international financial institution. The BSTDB headquarters are in Thessaloniki, Greece. BSTDB supports economic development and regional cooperation by providing loans, credit lines, equity and guarantees for projects and trade financing in the public and private sectors in its member countries. The authorized capital of the Bank is EUR 3.45 billion. BSTDB is rated long-term “A-” by Standard and Poor’s and “A2” by Moody’s.
For more information, please visit
The Bank’s role and priorities are outlined in accordance with (I) the priorities and targets laid out in its Medium‐term Strategy and Business Plan 2019‐2022 and (II) country needs and objectives, and taking due consideration of (III) available resources, strategies and policies of BSTDB. BSTDB will seek viable opportunities for operational activity and will continue closely monitoring the developments in the Azerbaijani economy in order to stand prepared to support bankable projects. Where possible, the Bank will seek to leverage its presence by co‐financing with international financial institutions, public sector institutions and private partners, per its mandate.
For more information, please visit
LFS Advisory GmbH (0.13%)
LFS is an advisory and management firm based in Berlin, Germany. Company specializes in banking and financial sector projects in developing countries. LFS’s particular focus is on micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) finance. Starting in 1997 as a consulting firm, LFS is today also a manager and investor in MSME finance.
For more information, please visit
Information about the shares issued by the bank (type, state registration number, par value, shareholder rights)
Type and form of securities: common, registered, book-entry share
Registration number of the securities issue/International identification code: AZ1006004282
Nominal value of securities: 2 manats
Updated: 13.02.2025